Sugar laced water quenching a thirst
Recycled clothing not even knowing
Daily cries being extended since birth
As this impregnated pain keeps growing.
Stop please…
An indecent ideology proposed
Caught in a crossfire of deception
Complaints about the love never showed
Not conforming to this form of segregation.
Not me..
Memories of melancholy written
Pondering if a dream could prevail
Education attained to make a difference
While followers clutch onto coattails.
Hold on…
Promises kept as the successor
Mended migraines during migration
Blocks of cheese tasting a lil better
Fulfilling this prophecy was never a question.
Told u..
Reciting an obituary titled “poverty stricken”
Smirks about this salvation for sanity
Praying that a new generation can listen
So titanic thoughts won’t be repeating history.
Gone but not 4gotten..!!
By mikeb30
© 2008 mikeb30 (All rights reserved)