Thursday, August 28, 2008

"My Birthday"

Appreciative of a blessing bestowed

48hrs  removed from an anniversary

A humbled heart that nobody knows

Celebrating w/those that understand me.

Feel me...


Wishes preceding candles blown

Optimistic of the next chapter in life

Smiles of contentment graciously shown

Daughter’s kisses via phone is my only gripe.

I’ll take that..


Anticipating a rendezvous to begin

Shades protecting sin city lights

Remy toasts amongst my closest friends

Grown man behavior is only right.

Why Not…!!


Sunday, August 24, 2008

"My Hands"

Able to clutch what was meant to be held

All present equivalent to a dime

Callus removed and back to its original shell

In search for another to intertwine.

My hands.

Conditioned for a firm greeting

Moisturized maintaining a caramel complexion

Palm exposed for a psychic reading

Extended with lending intentions.


Manicured for appearance, with tips that shine

Steady seeking the eye of a needle

Clenched fist of power engraved in my mind

Enlarged reminded of the famous acquittal.


Ambidextrous with many gestures

Naked of any BONDing rings

Massaging pens as thoughts grace this paper

Placed together prior to me praying..

My HANDS….!!


Friday, August 22, 2008

"A Test"

A test is only a set a questions served to test

The testimony of lessons

Lessons some may feel is less important to lessen

The values of the less fortunate.

If not prepared, then your test will be a lesson

To test & see if the fortunate can overcome and answer any question.

Im ready…

Decisions are drawn based on the history of its origin

Stemming from its root so a choice can be made

Making any optimistic conclusion an option

I guess its time to incorporate everything retained..

It’s my choice…

Preferring it be oral so a voice can be heard

Rehearsed in a manner suited for a layman

Getting true definitions of my every word

Can u hear me??

Soft spoken with substance hard to imagine

Volumes of information orated with passion.

I’m feeling it now..

Knowing the fear of uncertainty has ebbed like a wave

Flowing effortlessly off the tongue

Exhibiting confidence to a confidant

Remembering all the transgressions when this begun..

It’s easy now…

This trial was a trial being tried for a tribulation.

Facing facts disguised behind a façade

Figuring out finally

Determination and ambition surpasses it all

Cause a conscience effort was implied..

I think I passed!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"The Echo"

Repeating words spewed off the tongue

Clarifying ideals thought to be whispered

Trying to create a BOND w/o a pun

Absent if there was only one listener.

Oh well..


Handballing sounds into mid-air

Monotone voice until frustrations grow

Squirts of lemon juice needed to prepare

Wondering where did everyone go?




Shadowing a mouth in the dark

Hoarse from recitals sang to the choir

Preaching about a life that’s so stark

Knowing fellowship is something to admire.

Why Me?


Resignation papers signed for a final day 

Wishfully thinking this will all end

Overhearing company is own their way

Anticipating an arrival of that friend.



I can rest now..!!  

Friday, August 15, 2008

"My Rendezvous"

Walking in circles @ a pace fit for a meet

Searching my provider in hopes of the perfect site

Kisses and bouquets waiting when we greet

Time to exhale some stress as I board this flight..


A rendezvous!

Goapele in my speakers watching land beneath

Leaving all worries @ ground level

Buckled up peacefully about to dream how it will be

Paid attention to detail so there’s nothing else to tell you.


Temperatures extreme much warmer than where I’m from

Clocked turned back cause it’s a matter of time

Donde estan usted viniendo de as I pass customs

Keeping it grown and sexy looking for one of a kind..

There she go..


Candle lights followed by moonlights tower above

Reminiscing over Remy of days when I used to pursue

Perpetuating the sentiment of love

Inevitable getaway meant for the perfect two.


My Rendezvous!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"The Centaur"

Standing on all four gazing with precision
Distinctive appearance for the unknown
Cold-blooded during every expedition
Cautious of what half needs to be shown.

Perceived to be bred from the old school
Candid conversation while living a lie
Mind-altering cause of enlarged genitals
Preying on grass assumed greener 
On the other side..

Sensing that a mate is needed to pony up
Gaits are made with an agenda
Negative mythological thoughts to buck
The legacy of a gentleman will continue.

No longer looking for women to stampede
Carrying horseshoes in my hand 
Foal games conceded is the plea
Molars showing knowing I’m still a man.

By mikeb30

© 2008 mikeb30 (All rights reserved)

Monday, August 11, 2008

"The Cheater"

Constant excuses for actions unknown

Forgetful of a union once taken

Breaking a heart that was once loaned

Digesting cake without even sharing.


Exploring journeys  down lusting highways

Crafty schedules for a devious mission

Optimistic that everything will be okay

Complaining mate was never there to listen.


Bipolar tendencies with one thing in mind

Disregarding the sight of another’s tear

NOTORIOUS games unable to rewind

Sacrificing a sentiment that can’t compare.


Secrets being stored which are bound to surface

In a perfect world I could blame my clone

Morally stricken losing all focus

Mediating possibilities of what went wrong.


Disagreeing on things that seemed so simple

Finally missing the one now gone

Echoes chirping “I tried to tell you”

The strength of two professing a “BOND”.


Now look @ u..!!!



Saturday, August 9, 2008

"My Serenity Prayer"

God grant me the serenity to accept the things

Ignoring the fixations that have been a deterrent

Praying for happiness and all that love may bring

Canceling pulsating headaches from my worrying.

I cannot change;


Courage to change the things I can

Cradling this habit as  I nurture theses wounds

Descending from this high looking for a place to land

Brushing it under the rug with this  blessing broom

And  wisdom to know the difference.


Living one day @ a time;

Enjoying one moment @ a time

Reliving miseries brought within my circle

Stripping my pride as I clear up a distorted mind

Apologizing to mentally stricken if I hurt you

Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace

Baptizing my soul and purifying my heart

Flushing all dependents that controlled me

Renewing relationships once sold in the dark


Taking, as He did, this sinful world

Digesting verses during daily readings

Having negative thoughts catapult when I hurl

Retaining new lessons for safe keeping

As it is, not as I would have it;


Trusting that He will make all things right

Conceding that there is one set of footprints

Sustaining challenges from the devil out of spite

Understanding everlasting love doesn’t cost a cent.

If I surrender to His Will;


That I may be reasonably happy in this life

Forgetting the person that I used to be

Walking a path focused on the pearly gates in site

“ In Rememberance of Me”

and supremely happy with Him


Forever in the next.




Thursday, August 7, 2008

"A Thought"

Thoughts can comfort a feeling

While feelings govern your mind

The mind dictates how you think

Thinking controls what you say

Saying what you mean leads to a mutual understanding

Understanding conveys happiness

Happiness heals all wounds

If bandage is on take it off  now and your heart will be @ ease.

Why not?

If conversation can open a door

That door is ajar until a force changes its position

Only if position is defined as a location

How about a stance, your way or mine

Mine rest in  bewilderment cause I think more than the average

Average ideas transcends into mediocrity

I’m only attracted to the best

Why not?

Do you think like me?

Thoughts can never be misinterpreted when mutual ideas have no boundaries

Fine lines are drawn to separate one

But to challenge one to cross @ their own risk


Why not?

Uncertain of who is on the other side

Sides are who you favor whether right, wrong or indifferent

Difference is Im different..

Do you think like me?

Why not?

Remember its just  “A Thought” of mine….