Friday, August 22, 2008

"A Test"

A test is only a set a questions served to test

The testimony of lessons

Lessons some may feel is less important to lessen

The values of the less fortunate.

If not prepared, then your test will be a lesson

To test & see if the fortunate can overcome and answer any question.

Im ready…

Decisions are drawn based on the history of its origin

Stemming from its root so a choice can be made

Making any optimistic conclusion an option

I guess its time to incorporate everything retained..

It’s my choice…

Preferring it be oral so a voice can be heard

Rehearsed in a manner suited for a layman

Getting true definitions of my every word

Can u hear me??

Soft spoken with substance hard to imagine

Volumes of information orated with passion.

I’m feeling it now..

Knowing the fear of uncertainty has ebbed like a wave

Flowing effortlessly off the tongue

Exhibiting confidence to a confidant

Remembering all the transgressions when this begun..

It’s easy now…

This trial was a trial being tried for a tribulation.

Facing facts disguised behind a façade

Figuring out finally

Determination and ambition surpasses it all

Cause a conscience effort was implied..

I think I passed!!!

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